Join with over 2 million monthly shoppers that have made the switch. "We The People" need to start voting with our dollars and ensure that our purchases are supporting companies that promote freedom.

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Support Companies That Support Freedom

Vote with your dollars and ensure that your purchases are supporting companies that promote freedom. Join millions of other shoppers that have made the switch already. Take action and be part of the movement to switch to affordable, American made consumer goods.

Ask not what your country can do for you.

Ask what you can do for your country.

John F. Kennedy


Doing something over and over, expecting different results.

Consumer Insanity

Giving your money to WOKE companies that do not align with our values

Buying bargain brand products that cost your health

Using products that require safety caps and expecting a safe home for family and pets


The right, power, or opportunity to choose: option


To give a completely different form or appearance; to transform


You have the CHOICE to CHANGE to a Patriot Economy with safe healthy products for your life.

Choose to buy healthier, safer products

Switch your same spending dollars for higher quality products made in America

Cut off the $ supply to companies that do not support "We The People!"

Choose to have the convenience of home delivery for the same price as driving to a store


Comparable Prices

Non-toxic Products For
Every Area Of Your Home and Life

Supports American
Jobs and Families

No Mainstream Advertising

Made in the USA

Our Team Members help ordinary Americans break up with Walmart and Target and move their shopping to an American Made, Family Owned Manufacturer that competes with Amazon on price, quality, and customer service.



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